Tuesday, June 22, 2010


This photo shows how all the teachers felt as we waved good-bye to the kiddos:

This is how I feel:

I survived my first year of teaching! Praise God for helping me through! Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with all this free time. I have a few ideas :)

Scott and I started the home-buying process by talking to a lender, getting pre-approved, and searching the MLS. We have a great realtor helping us out and are going to start looking at homes tomorrow. We have a lease until December so we're not in any rush, but the excitement is kicking in which is going to make it hard to wait.

We had a good time celebrating Father's Day with P.F. Chang's take-out and a round of putt putt. Thank you, God for our fathers.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Light at the end of the tunnel

The excitement is stirring. I can almost see it. My first year of teaching is close to being D-O-N-E, done.

Summer here we come. Our second grade team is celebrating tonight with margaritas and salsa dancing! Ole!

At the end of May, Scott and I threw together a Memorial Day cookout for anyone who hadn't already made plans. We started off June celebrating our friends' wedding. Ask Scott about his sweet dance moves. We were excited to recently find out that he made the ERT (Emergency Response Team) at work. It's our county's version of SWAT. Congrats, babe! Another congrats goes out to my cousin who is graduating from high school and heading to my alma mater! and YAY to my sister who finished her first year of college!