Friday, May 14, 2010

April Showers Bring May Flowers

It's been busy around these parts!
School basically consumes my life whether I want it to or not. Everyone says it will be easier next year. I am banking on that statement. Needless to say (and I speak for teachers everywhere), I am so looking forward to summer break. The month of May = review, review, review, and then TESTING...dun dun dun. It's not the like whole year rides on this moment or anything. *eyes rolling* But seriously, it's all good. I'm proud of my students and what we've accomplished this year.
Last Monday was the Teacher of the Year and New Teacher of the Year ceremony. It was quite the lovely occasion and the food rocked. I felt very proud that night to be a teacher and reflect on the growth I've made professionally and personally.
Scott and I are so thankful to have jobs right now during these times. A couple guys were let go at the department and teachers won't be expecting raises any time soon, but praise God that He is faithful and providing our every need. We've been working hard to pay off debt and "establish" ourselves and God is taking us through a time of financial blessing. Trying to be good with finances always has its ups, but a downer is that we decided that we won't take any vacations this summer. Ideally, we'd like to look into buying a house in the next couple years...which opens a whole new door of excitement and responsibility.
Ah. Responsibility. Something of which I have a little issue with right now. That's why I can't bring myself to get a dog or think about kids. TOO MUCH responsibility. I know it's partly due to being so overwhelmed this year with school and partly because hubs and I just love our time together...and he's quite the handful. A good handful :) I will totally be ready for all these things in due time. Don't worry moms, you will have grandkids!

It's been a long week and I'm so excited about taking it easy this weekend. Mom, sis, and I are going to the Fine Arts Museum tomorrow. I'm stoked. It's been closed for 2 years and just reopened. Time to get culturized.

Any Lost fans? Only 2 more episodes! I'm freaking out.

Time to head out of here and enjoy FRIDAY!!!!