Monday, July 27, 2009

Another Year Older

Birthdays. The other day I turned 26. It's funny to be at that point in life where birthdays only mean another year older. No pool parties. No skating rinks. No "My Little Pony" themed celebrations. However, it's quite alright. I am thankful for each passing year that God has blessed me with.

My family and friends were (and are!) so wonderful with their sweet messages, cards, and gifts. I am so thankful for their love and thoughtfulness.

super beautiful and fun gifts!...
Watch out, 26, here I come!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Vintage Modern

(images thanks to Anthropologie)
Scott has good taste, but when it comes to the home, he lets me take the reigns. He enjoys working on the outside of the house so the inside is my playing field. A vintage modern style is what appeals to me the most. I love the character and charm of antiques mixed with modern elements. I also love earthtones and anything rustic thrown into the mix. However, no matter what pieces come together in our home, my goal is for it to always be comfortable, warm, cozy, and inviting (clean and clutterless too!) because really, it's not about what your home looks like, but the people who you get to share it with.

These photos are two nightstands that I fixed up. I like working with what we have...more like what my parents have donated. Gotta love free!

1st step: paint remover

2nd step: sanding

3rd step: paint - antiquing with white


Here's a rickety old end-sofa table from my dad's house (originally from my great aunts' house in KY). I stabilized it and repainted it to match the rug. I like projects that allow for reinventing the old!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Snakes and Frogs and Spiders - OH MY!

Sunbathing on the deck with lizards and sharing the shower with wolf spiders...the joys of living in the country! Scott says it's completely normal - he's used to it. Me, not so much. I'm trying to get better about not being a huge spaz when these creepy, crawly animals startle me. However, I do enjoy the rabbits that hang out in our yard and the little frogs are pretty cute :)
This was in my shower. NOT cool. After some google-ing, I found that these spiders are actually a "friend" to humans because they eat all the other insects around. I can learn to appreciate that.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I love Sundays. The best part is going to church. It's so refreshing each Sunday to worship and praise God together as a church community. Also, it's just fun to catch up with our friends and meet new people. God speaks to us in several ways, but one of the major ways, if not the most important way, is through the Bible. For me, I love getting spiritually fed and challenged through the sermons. We are blessed to have wise leaders who make the Word applicable to our daily lives. Afterall, being a Christian isn't just something you do on Sundays. It's how you act each day in all areas of your life.
After church it's usually off to mom's for lunch, hanging out with friends, or coming home to just relax. The chores and grocery shopping are usually done and Sunday is truly a day of rest.
Before Scott and I got married and I was living at my mom's house, after lunch we would lay down on her big comfy couch and nap for a couple hours. Ahh, lazy Sundays. Scott calls it "naptime belly."

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Treasure Principle

Ready to be changed? This small, 120-page book that can be read in one sitting will radically transform your thinking about giving and money should you let God in and change your heart. It talks about how everything belongs to God and we are stewards of whatever he provides us with. We need to do the best job taking care of it and should be asking God what to do with our money, and time for that matter. There's no question that we should tithe as Christians, but the book challenges you to go beyond the 10%. Once your basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, and transportation are met, why not give as much of the rest to God as possible? The book also discusses storing up treasure in heaven. Why focus so much on earthly things that you can't take with you, when you can be investing in God's kingdom? The heavenly rewards are going to be better than anything we could possibly imagine. I cannot do the book justice to explain it myself, so I encourage you to take a read!

Everyday is a challenge not to get wrapped up in materialism and the "I want" mentality because it's everywhere! I detest materialism; however, I'm as guilty as the next person for desiring things that can satisfy right now or thinking I need something when really, the money could go towards something eternal. My eyes have been opened to taking giving to a whole new level and it makes me JOYFUL!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Baby Shower Fun

A dear friend is having a baby girl! There are two of us giving the shower and I took it upon myself to make some DIY invites. I love being crafty and I'm very happy with the results! They are all a little bit different. I also bought some super cute party stuff at Target - plates, napkins, etc. as well as prizes for the games. Scott and I are so excited for all our friends having babies! We can get a lot of practice with their kids before having our own :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Our Home

As renters, we're working with what we have. Below are some photos of what we have done so far. Whether we buy the house or not, we'll never forget sharing this first place together that we have come to call home. We sure love being tucked away in this sweet retreat of 2 acres surrounded by trees.

Main Living Area - the room you enter when you walk through the front door. We haven't been motivated to paint these walls yet because the color continues through the kitchen, laundry room, and hallway. Once you start, it's a big project. Still searching for some window treatments to warm up the space. Rug was on sale from Linens N Things when they were going out of business.

Coasters from

Antique table from my great aunts' house - added new hardware.

I love graphic patterns.

Dining Area - China cabinet was a wedding gift from grandmother. Table runner is a favorite from Mexico. Excuse the laundry room - while organized, it is still a sight that needs to be covered. There are hinges, but where's the door?! When I do get motivated to paint, it will be bye-bye yellow and hello neutrals.

Kitchen elements.

Office - the free-for-all room...his and her computer desks, tv, DDR mats, treadmill, & chair. Everything is organized though and serves a purpose - I can't stand clutter!

Guest bedroom - Shabby chic. Not sure why they chose blue carpet just for this room, but it works for now.
Guest Bathroom - Earthy, leafy style.

I like the whimsy of Mary Engelbreit (