Tuesday, June 22, 2010


This photo shows how all the teachers felt as we waved good-bye to the kiddos:

This is how I feel:

I survived my first year of teaching! Praise God for helping me through! Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with all this free time. I have a few ideas :)

Scott and I started the home-buying process by talking to a lender, getting pre-approved, and searching the MLS. We have a great realtor helping us out and are going to start looking at homes tomorrow. We have a lease until December so we're not in any rush, but the excitement is kicking in which is going to make it hard to wait.

We had a good time celebrating Father's Day with P.F. Chang's take-out and a round of putt putt. Thank you, God for our fathers.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Light at the end of the tunnel

The excitement is stirring. I can almost see it. My first year of teaching is close to being D-O-N-E, done.

Summer here we come. Our second grade team is celebrating tonight with margaritas and salsa dancing! Ole!

At the end of May, Scott and I threw together a Memorial Day cookout for anyone who hadn't already made plans. We started off June celebrating our friends' wedding. Ask Scott about his sweet dance moves. We were excited to recently find out that he made the ERT (Emergency Response Team) at work. It's our county's version of SWAT. Congrats, babe! Another congrats goes out to my cousin who is graduating from high school and heading to my alma mater! and YAY to my sister who finished her first year of college!

Friday, May 14, 2010

April Showers Bring May Flowers

It's been busy around these parts!
School basically consumes my life whether I want it to or not. Everyone says it will be easier next year. I am banking on that statement. Needless to say (and I speak for teachers everywhere), I am so looking forward to summer break. The month of May = review, review, review, and then TESTING...dun dun dun. It's not the like whole year rides on this moment or anything. *eyes rolling* But seriously, it's all good. I'm proud of my students and what we've accomplished this year.
Last Monday was the Teacher of the Year and New Teacher of the Year ceremony. It was quite the lovely occasion and the food rocked. I felt very proud that night to be a teacher and reflect on the growth I've made professionally and personally.
Scott and I are so thankful to have jobs right now during these times. A couple guys were let go at the department and teachers won't be expecting raises any time soon, but praise God that He is faithful and providing our every need. We've been working hard to pay off debt and "establish" ourselves and God is taking us through a time of financial blessing. Trying to be good with finances always has its ups, but a downer is that we decided that we won't take any vacations this summer. Ideally, we'd like to look into buying a house in the next couple years...which opens a whole new door of excitement and responsibility.
Ah. Responsibility. Something of which I have a little issue with right now. That's why I can't bring myself to get a dog or think about kids. TOO MUCH responsibility. I know it's partly due to being so overwhelmed this year with school and partly because hubs and I just love our time together...and he's quite the handful. A good handful :) I will totally be ready for all these things in due time. Don't worry moms, you will have grandkids!

It's been a long week and I'm so excited about taking it easy this weekend. Mom, sis, and I are going to the Fine Arts Museum tomorrow. I'm stoked. It's been closed for 2 years and just reopened. Time to get culturized.

Any Lost fans? Only 2 more episodes! I'm freaking out.

Time to head out of here and enjoy FRIDAY!!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

West Virginia

Adventures in WV for Dan's wedding!

Dan & Brittney

Mr. & Mrs. Emerson

As seen on Food Network- Hillbilly Hotdogs

We are Marshall!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What does love look like?

What would it look like for me on a daily basis to live a life of love?

It would be more giving of myself in the name of Jesus- time, wants, energy, and money.

1. Cut spending.
2. Say hi to the neighbors.
3. More prayer.
4. Get rid of cable.
5. Give more than 10% to the church.
6. More patience with my class.
7. Pray for and love the unlovable.

Well, here's a start.

The King will answer and say to them, "Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me."
Matthew 25:40

For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God; for it is written, "As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God." So then each of us will give an account of himself to God."
Romans 14:10-12

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.
2 Timothy 4:7-8

Monday, April 5, 2010


Life without God is meaningless.

Over the last few months, I have been falling in love with Jesus. His love is the whole reason for our existence. Everything we do should bring glory and honor to Him.

I am reading a book called "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan (highly recommended!) that is inspiring, challenging, and convicting. In a real, straight-forward, and (most importantly) biblical way, he explains how our response should be to the One who gave us life. The One who sent His son to die on the cross for our sins that we may have life to the fullest. Faith IS love and action.

Chan writes, "Following Christ isn't something that can be done halfheartedly or on the side. It is not a label we can display when it is useful. It must be central to everything we do and are."

"Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." James 2:17

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Matthew 7:21

Being a Christian means whole-hearted commitment to serving and loving God first and following his commands, along with the willingness to give up everything in pursuit of a holy calling. God brings true peace, joy, purpose, hope, and satisfaction to those who seek Him with all their hearts.

I am nothing without the love of Christ. My prayer is to do the will of God...whatever the cost.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March Madness

Now it's time for...another Carnell update! (pretend theme song playing)

February seemed to come and go. All that's coming to mind right now is snow, snow, and more snow. Scott and I kept Valentine's Day low key with a lovely dinner out. Also, I finally used my gift certificate to the Red Door Spa. Scott has no idea what he started...speaking of which, I think I'm feeling a little cramp in my neck ;)
Well, I think the snow is gone for good. We are so ready for warmer weather. This week has been sunshiny in the low 60s- what a tease!

I have to give a shout-out to my cousins in Cali who gave birth to the most precious twins!! I just can't wait to meet them!!

At school, we have just a few weeks and then Spring Break! I'll be 3/4 of the way through the year...so hard to believe. My principal awarded me "First Year Teacher of the Year" which really means a lot since she knows how much I've been through with my class. At the end of Spring Break, Scott and I, along with some of our bestest buddies, will be heading to Huntington, WV to a friend's wedding. Road trip! I just love weddings!

Scottie is doing well and busy with work. I don't know how he can switch schedules all the time, but I admire him for handling it like a champ! He's been doing a lot of cooking lately which is SO nice. I love that he loves it! You can pretty much bet though, that whatever he makes will involve onions and peppers.

Scott is taking a week off work so he can get a tattoo. (Well, not just to get a tattoo, but he has tons of vacation time he needs to take or it will be gone in a few months and he figured while he's off, get a tattoo!) He's been wanting one for years. He laughs about me having more "tats" than him. Speaking of which, I got another one the other weekend. I had been wanting another one and thought about what I wanted for awhile and finally did it! Scott wants to get a sleeve eventually...we'll see. We are just straight up tattoo people...there's no denying it. I think that tattoos (when tastefully done) are beautiful expressions of art. I told my mom and sister that I'm a goody-goody with an edge. So hard core. lol

When Scott works all weekend, I take advantage of the time and spend it with the two most important women in my life! My mom, sister, and I have the best time together just hanging out and laughing til it hurts about one thing or another. I am so thankful for them and love them beyond words. I'm so proud of my sis for getting through her first semester of college! My lil bro is a busy worker and helping my dad with his house renos. I finally got to celebrate my grandmother's b-day this past weekend. (Mmmm, Baker's Crust- the crepes are yum-O!)

This weekend I'm thrilled to spend time with some of my girls that I don't get to see nearly enough these days! Scott has the weekend off and I'm just sooo looking forward to putting my feet up after a long week! :)

In case you don't hear from me for a couple weeks- Happy St. Patty's Day!!

Also, spend time, as the Easter season is upon us, to reflect and give thanks to God for the sacrifice of His son on the cross so that we can have life abundant and celebrate that He is RISEN!!