Friday, February 5, 2010

Snow Day

Yes, folks, I'm actually blogging again and it hasn't even been a whole week since the last post. I love the extra outlet for writing and having another way for our family and friends to check in on us (xoxo); however, I'm just not a huge blogger. I'll keep you posted a few times a month. I can only spend but so much time with my laptop!

Well, thanks to the snow, I've enjoyed a mini-vacation this week. The only day we had to report to school was on Thursday with a 2-hour delay. Scott has also gotten a couple days off as well due to the snow, so it's been a treat. I also can't fail to mention that LOST CAME BACK ON THIS WEEK! Ok, just a little excited about that. Anyways, the rest of the weekend plans: Richmond tomorrow evening for grandmother's birthday dinner, Sunday is church and a Super Bowl party. I think I'll be rooting for the Saints!

If you live in Richmond and don't have a church home, then you should check out Commonwealth Chapel ( It's an awesome place to worship. Most importantly, our pastor preaches the truth in a straight-forward, authentic way. Scott and I have grown a lot in our faith. We are a work-in-progress as our faith deepens, character builds, and our love for Jesus grows. I am thankful that we have a true sense of purpose, hope, peace, and joy in our lives due to salvation. It's amazing to see how God works!

Scott and I used to serve the church as greeters at the door and taking up offering, but now I'm on the nursery rotation. Gotta get more baby practice somewhere!

Okay- speaking of babies- funny story. The other week, my body was doing some funny things and I thought I was pregnant (!!!!!). Scott and I went through ALL the emotions - freaking out, scared, nervous, curious, happy, excited, thrilled! Well, we had ourselves so worked up that we ran out to the store (I think it was around 10 p.m.) and bought a pregnancy test. Well, all of our nerves calmed down when we only saw one pink line appear. Not pregnant. Took another test in the morning. Double not pregnant. For a few moments we actually thought we were going to be parents - insane, right?! After reality set it, we looked at each other and said - uhh, not yet. When the time does come and we start trying, we're not going to's going to be a surprise! :) In the mean time, I have 22 kiddos Monday through Friday as well as enjoying our friends' adorable little ones (that we can hand back over when they get stinky diapers).

Another winter wonderland: